
The UWRPortal has grown from Jim Lester’s wavemaking website: uwhscores.com which was a great resource to get scheduling and team information along with final standings. We would like to thank him for his help and support in making this new site a success!

As with Jim’s original site, a main benefit of the UWRPortal is to be a source of valuable tournament information. We have expanded to include all aspects of the tournament experience, from the initial announcement through to the final standings for organizers, players, and now referees.

The primary purpose of this site is to make organizing events easier for the hosts and more functional for the participants; with the ultimate goal to facilitate more (and higher quality) events in the future.

Underwater Rugby Portal Service Options

Please take a look at the features below to see what we will be adding soon. If you have any other ideas for features please let us know by contacting us at support@atlantissports.org or fill out this form, thank you!

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iconFuture Features

We are adding features to allow people to manage their clubs, including to RSVP for practices. Since this tool will be used more often we hope that the information will stay up to date and useful. As the site becomes more popular and as people travel they can see where practices are and RSVP seamlessly from within their own profiles.